Glynmichael Limited

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Services Offered
Interim Management
Sometimes, through no one's fault, there is no one to manage. Your staff are willing, they will deliver, with direction, but where are they going to get this from. The recruitment processes are underway, but you need a manager now, today. Glynmichael is here to help provide a safe pair of hands.
Risk Management Advise
Good effective risk management is most needed by SME's yet few professionals are available to deliver to this sector. Glynmichael is offering this large scale corporate service, for the first time to the SME sector.
Risk Management should not be a discrete exercise outside the normal business. There is no defintive end to risk management. Rather it is a journey punctuated by the competing influences around your business. Good risk management is a state of mind. Glynmichael can help you find the right mindset.
Tailored Business Reviews
Your managers diligently deliver day-in and day-out everything you ask of them. They know things could be done better, they may even know how. They may not have the time or the context to promote improvements in service. They need a catalyst. Glynmichael can provide that catalyst to draw out from your managers better and better service.
Internal Audit Asignments
Ironically the best comfort given by internal audit is to find nothing. It takes skill to confirm nothing. The looker has to know what they are looking for, what it is when they find it and what should be done if they find something. Glynmichael has the experience to be a very good looker and to give you comfort about nothing being wrong. 
Business Improvement Consultancy
To stand still is not an option for any business, large or small. There are many internal and external pressures to innovate, to deliver more and to do it for less cost. This goes beyond managing better, this is future strategy. Glynmichael can help you realise your future.

Phone us on 01761 410040
or 07704 325625